Toxic Tap Brisbane

Exposing the dangers of drinking Tap water

Purify Water

puOur body is made up of about 60 per cent water with organs such as the brain and muscles containing as much as 75 per cent water.  Staying hydrated can have a significant effect on our bodies but we tend to underestimate just how important water is for us to function.  We need water to:

  • Transport nutrients around the body via the blood and lymph system
  • Remove wastes
  • Serve as a medium for the countless biochemical reactions that take place in the body
  • Moisten our food to facilitate chewing
  • Maintain body temperature – sweat evaporates on the skin to cool you down.

Pure clean water is essential for us for function properly. The toxic cocktail of chemicals in tap water is detrimental to our health. The groups of people that are most at risk are infants, elderly and Athletes.

In Infants the blood brain barrier is very thin, if they consume baby formula made with fluoridated water, they are at risk for developmental disorders and having heavy metal deposits in brain. Baby formula made with fluoridated water contains 250 times the level of fluoride found in mothers milk. Anti-Flouride medical professionals in Canada and the United states have rigorously lobbied to have health authorities and water companies disclose these risks to the public and warn parents not to give tap water to their children, but they have been unsuccessful so far.

The elderly have a similar blood brain barrier as children, so they are also at risk for having metal deposits in the brain, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s and   other degenerative brain diseases. If the kidneys are not functioning properly, the body is unable to excrete fluoride and other heavy metals, which eventually get stored in bones and tissues and disrupt hormonal functions as well.

Athletes, construction crews, miners and other physically active people who consume more water than the average person are also at great risk of having toxic heavy metals in the body.

Numerous studies have linked the presence of Chlorine, Aluminium and fluoride in Tap water to increased cases to Cancer, Alzheimers,  Thyroid Dysfuntion, Arthritis, Lower IQ in Children, Dental Fluorosis,and developmental disorders to name a few.

Cooking in Tap water poses great risks as well, as the contaminants get concentrated when water is heated.

Most of the toxic chemicals also get absorbed through the skin when taking hot showers. There are many people who are allergic to Fluoride and Chlorine and suffer from terrible rashes after being exposed to Tap water.

Please click on the following links to find out how you can purify your water

Reverse Osmosis

Distillation and Eliodomestico


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