Toxic Tap Brisbane

Exposing the dangers of drinking Tap water

Health Problems associated with Flouride

flu1It’s important to realize that fluoride is a cumulative poison. Approximately 98 percent of the fluoride you ingest in water is absorbed into your blood through your gastrointestinal tract. From there, it enters your body’s cellular tissues. On average, about 50 percent of the fluoride you ingest each day gets excreted through your kidneys.

Whether this happens or not is highly dependent on the presence of calcium, magnesium, Vitamin C, and selenium in your bloodstream, to which the fluoride will bind so that it no longer is seeking calcium-rich tissues that make up so much of your body. The remainder accumulates in your teeth and bones, pineal gland,and other tissues, including your blood vessels.

According to the featured study:

“Fluoride uptake in vascular walls was demonstrated in 361 sites of 54 (96%) patients, whereas calcification was observed in 317 sites of 49 (88%) patients. Significant correlation between fluoride uptake and calcification was observed in most of the arterial walls, except in those of the abdominal aorta. Fluoride uptake in coronary arteries was demonstrated in 28 (46%) patients and coronary calcifications were observed in 34 (56%) patients.”

floroThe amount deposited into your bones and teeth varies depending on your age. In children, more than 50 percent of an ingested dose of fluoride is deposited in bone, but in adults only about 10 percent is stored there. As the number of research studies into the toxic effects of fluoride has increased, there is now support for a rather long list of potential health problems related to fluoride accumulation in your body.

Here’s a list of 20 of the most commonly mentioned health hazards and diseases associated with fluoride exposure:

Here is an excellent study done for the Government of Ireland that examined the health implications of Water Flouridation in Ireland

This one examines the ethics of Water Flouridation in Australia

This Unicef report talks about countries where flouride naturally exists in ground water, health problems caused by being exposed to naturally occurring flouride and how it helps communities remove flouride from water.

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