Toxic Tap Brisbane

Exposing the dangers of drinking Tap water

Australia and Worldwide Anti Fluoride Campaigns

flrEnding water Fluoridation is not a pipe dream, Since 1990, over 350 communities worldwide representing millions of people have rejected water fluoridation schemes.

The Queensland Government has spent $35 million in the last 5 years to add this toxin in our water supply. Despite strong opposition from many concerned citizens, Brisbane began fluoridating it’s water in 2008.

Communities across Australia have successfully stopped Water Flouridation. In Queensland Cairns, Murgon, Wondai, Kingaroy, Nanango, Blackbutt, and South Burnett have all ended their water fluoridation programs since January.

Internationally, Israel will stop water Flouridation in 2014.Despite dental pressure, 99% of western continental Europe has rejected, banned, or stopped fluoridation due to environmental, health, legal, or ethical concerns

The Danish Minister of Environment recommended against fluoridation in 1977 because “no adequate studies had been carried out on its long-term effects on human organ systems other than teeth and because not enough studies had been done on the effects of fluoride discharges on freshwater ecosystems.”

“In 1978, the West German Association of Gas & Water Experts rejected fluoridation for legal reasons and because ‘the so-called optimal fluoride concentration of 1 mg per L is close to the dose at which long-term damage [to the human body] is to be expected.’ “

Only about 5% of the world population is fluoridated and more than 50% of these people live in North America.

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